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Showing posts from August, 2023

We are at 50 in Podcasts!!! Thank You!

 Dear Students, you made it possible and we are here at a half-century of our podcasts.  Congratulations!!! I invite you to share your feedback and observations for improvement in the future!!! Feedback received: Liliya: Madina: Mokhisarvarkhan: Sanjar: Kamola: All Our Episodes are HERE on Spotify and Learning Radio HomePage

Episode 31 and 32 IFS Mock Interviews from 2022-23 Batch (Komol and Mirsulton)

Hello Everyone! The students of IFS Batch 2022-23 have received their Final Results and they are getting ready to join their Bachelor's Degree soon. As we look back, there is a reason to feel strong and proud because we created some special accomplishments in learning.  The IFS Podcasts, especially the Mock Interviews are here for your observations and motivation for the students.  Episodes 31 and 32 are live now: Komol:  Mirsulton: All Episodes (Total 48)