Welcome to Semester II ! THIS POST IS FOR SECTION 1 ONLY! As you have selected your pathways for Second Semester, the subjects will be as under: IFP 113 and IFP 114 are CORE and will be studied by all. Based on your pathways, the codes and subjects are listed here. Please note CLASSES will START at 09:30AM. In the timetable, you need to remember the Code for correct information. Code of Conduct for ONLINE Sessions as per Time Table: Behave Respectfully Answer Promptly Attend Complete Lesson Keep a Diary/Notebook for Class Notes After Classes, in the Evening, CHECK AMIZONE for an Attendance Update The CAMERA should be ON so that the teacher can mark you present for the whole class Join Timely and Stay in Contact with the Teacher for any queries or problems All the Best! Keep Shining and Learning!
Learning The New Way - English Course Blog made by Parveen Kumar (Sept'22-March'24) @ Amity Tashkent
Learning Blog of IFS and Bachelor Degree Students of Parveen Kumar at Amity University Tashkent (Uzbekistan) from Sept'22 to March '24. This blog became the pioneer Model of Learning in Uzbekistan by empowering students with integrated learning of English and Communication Skills. During the period of being active, hundreds of students moved from basic to advanced learning of English by participating in around 125 blog posts and over 75 episodes of Podcasts. Teacher Mentor - Parveen Kumar Sharma